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Our team

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Eduardo Lobato


Positivity always! Motivated by challenges, develop people and businesses, overcoming limits. Outside the company he is an explorer of the world and a fan and practitioner of extreme sports. Work hard and have a lot of fun, that's the balance.


Adriana Monteiro

Commercial Manager

He loves to meet new people and places. A good and sparkling book cannot be missing. An invitation to a party is sure to be, and the family is your life.


Alexandre Cardoso


 Alexandre é adepto de um bom filme no cinema. Não abre mão de um futebol com os amigos. Sua casa está sempre aberta para os amigos (sem balada) e é adepto a novas amizades.

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Eliane Souza

General Services

He loves life, his work and his family.


Diego Marques

Communication and Marketing

Responsible for TS communication and social networks. He doesn't miss a forró at the weekend, he loves football and the geek world.


Eliane Souza

General Services

He loves life, his work and his family.

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Anderson Diana


Working with excellence is his motto. He loves football, beer and wine, his favorite tantrums. He is also a Catholic and a devotee of Nossa Senhora Aparecida.

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Eliane Souza

General Services

He loves life, his work and his family.

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Eliane Souza

General Services

He loves life, his work and his family.


Eliane Souza

General Services

He loves life, his work and his family.

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Adriana Monteiro

General Manager

Ama conhecer lugares e pessoas novas. Um bom livro e espumante não podem faltar. Convite para uma festa é certeza que estará, e a família é sua vida.

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Janilson Ferreira


Pleasing you is very easy, just invite to a barbecue with a cold beer that is a guarantee of success. He also loves to study, watch movies and series.

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Janilson Ferreira


Te agradar é bem fácil, basta    convidar para um churrasco com uma cerveja gelada que é garantia de sucesso. Também ama estudar, assistir filmes e séries. 

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Marla Venuto


He loves to read, I enjoyed sports in general and he doesn't need a good movie and series, but his passion is his dog Thor.

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Mario Jorge

Área Técnica 

Tem uma ótima relação com a natureza. Tranquilo e caseiro, a paz em pessoa. Gosta de escutar boas musicas e guardar bons momentos.


Amanda Moreira


Uma pessoa muito dedicada e comunicativa sempre procura dar o seu melhor em tudo que faz , e tenta fazer o possível e impossível para realizar os seus sonhos. Tem uma grande paixão pela área da arte e decoração e seu sonho é um dia ter a sua própria arte em forma de joias .


Julia Oliveira


She loves being with her family and having fun with friends, a good book always has its place.


Julia Oliveira


She loves being with her family and having fun with friends, a good book always has its place.

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